First off, let me just say how good Easter was for me this year. What a spiritual day. I feel like this year I have finally come to appreciate the Atonement more fully and what Christ has done for each one of us. I am so grateful for His Resurrection and for the chance for all of us to be resurrected again some day.
Secondly, me and Freddie were invited to his roommate, Todd's, House in SLC. His family was one of the nicest families I have ever met. I'm serious. Such nice peeps (haha get it)

Luckily, I brought my really nice camera from School and was able to take their family pictures for all of the Wilde family and for each individual family as well.

I really liked this candid shot. No one knew I was taking it. These kids were so much fun to play with!

Here is our P
rovo Family Easter picture for our Mama.

All of the kids just loved Freddie, especially this little girl!
lil girl... bring me some of that cherry
kool aid!" (you know what I'm talking bout Freddie)

I had to throw in this pillow that Emily made for me for my birthday. It is absolutely gorgeous and I wish I knew how to do this. Emily gives the BEST presents!

what cute twins!! hahaha. j/k
love your new blog header!!! i have a new one too that i'm gonna pull out soon. love ya!
i know that skirt!! you two are cute! love ya lots!
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